Moral Rules – What do you Value?03.05.2024

Internal conflicts around real life scenarios can occur at any time. Prepare your children and teach them how to morally deal with these situations by discussing the concept of a moral compass with them.

Guide the discussion with the aid of some ‘What if….?’ questions. For example, “What if you find a wallet with a lot of money on the street?” or “What if you notice that some of your friends are being unkind to a new student in your class?”

Some scenarios or solutions will result in feelings of guilt or shame whereas others will give them feelings of pride or high self-esteem. Explain that their moral compass guides them in choosing the value they need to follow in order to behave adequately in each situation, and know that they can make the right choice.

Please find below some steps for this activity:


Divide your family into two teams


Each team can work together to write out a list of the ten most important moral rules they believe in – arrange your list according to priority

Ex. Some items on the list could include respect, tolerance, care, responsibility, etc.


Each team will take a turn to present their list to the other group.

  • Explain why you chose each moral and what they mean to you
  • Give real life examples of times you have used that moral to make it relatable


After the presentations, compare your lists

  • Which values do the two groups share?
  • Were there any differences in the priority levels of each moral?
  • Were there any differences in morals selected?
  • Why do you think some morals made it onto one list and not others?


After this discussion, work as a family to create one large moral list that you all believe in

Write this list down on a large board or sheet of paper and pin it to the wall to remind you all of your family morals


Click here to download all the templates you’ll need!


Why not take a photo of your family’s final moral list and share it with us on Instagram (@uaemoraleducation) or Twitter (@UAEMoralEdu) and tag us for a chance to be featured on our page!