Good Deed Motivator!14.05.2024

Going out of your way to do something nice for somebody else is a great example of a good deed. These acts of kindness help build and strengthen not only the personal relationships in your life, but your character as well.

Good deeds come in all shapes and sizes, such as: doing chores at home, complimenting someone genuinely, offering to help with someone else’s tasks, donating to those less fortunate, being kind when others make mistakes, and much more. The acts can be directed towards anybody from your family and friends, to your neighbours or complete strangers.

Here we share with you a simple activity to bring your family closer together and promote the practice of good deeds each day!


Download our Good Deeds chart and fill in the names of your family members. If you have a large family, you may need to print this out twice!


Ask each family member to take note of their actions and try to do something nice for someone else in the house each day of the week.


Each family member can put a tick beside their name when they have done their good deed of the day – or even more than one tick if they have done multiple!


At the end of the week, the family can come together to discuss the good deeds they have done during the week. Try to talk about the kinds of actions that were taken, see which ones are the most common, and what you think might be missing that could be done next week!

Proud of your week? Why not take a photo of your family’s Good Deed Chart at the end of the week and share it with us on Instagram (@uaemoraleducation) or Twitter (@UAEMoralEdu) and tag us for a chance to be featured on our page!