Spot the Morals!14.05.2024

Have you ever wondered why search games are so enjoyable? It’s all down to visual search, a basic but very satisfying element of the cognitive process. Our brains guide our eyes in quick methodical movements when seeking out a specific target in a cluttered scene. Once the target is found, a feeling of reward is triggered!

Not only are search activities satisfying, but they keep our brains sharp by giving them some exercise. Use our activity below to give your brain a little challenge!


  • The image below has 6 moral words hidden within the different parts of the scenes
  • Search each section of the image to spot the moral words
  • Analyze the image carefully as some of the words are well hidden!

Why not add another challenge to this game by timing yourself and see how fast you can complete the activity? Does the race against time motivate you to find the moral words faster or is it leaving you scrambling and only thinking about the ticking clock!

Think you found all the words? Click here to see the answers – only click if you’re sure!

Enjoyed this activity? Share your activity completion time or the words you found with us on Instagram (@uaemoraleducation) or Twitter (@UAEMoralEdu) – tag us for a chance to be featured on our page!